The mind blowing design will spread across acres of greenery amidst IT firms and other companies. Landscaping will be done keeping in mind English gardens and each building will be arranged to have rooms overlooking the beautiful surroundings. Mantri Webcity also aims at presenting prevalent styles of landscaping in different countries so as to give a sense of global living. Apart from many ornate fountains a water body surrounded by pebbled pathways and seating area will adorn the grounds of the Webcity. Hence providing, planned thematic landscaped gardens and water features throughout the property.
The above facilities were just starters, Mantri Webcity will be a big fat package of amenities. An exclusive network of cable TV with monthly charges for uninterrupted signal, intercom facility, cell phone boosters will be provided in lifts for better mobile phone connectivity and back up and stand by generators for continuous supply of electricity. Security will be given prime importance at mantra Webcity. Trained security personnel, CCTV cameras will work round the clock to provide maximum security. Entry to the building will be restricted through access control doors and entry of vehicles to the project will be controlled with boom barriers and security screenings for visitors.
Water is essential for our living. At Mantri Webcity supply of pure and fully treated water through exclusive water purification and softening plant will be provided. Green building amenities like rain water harvesting scheme for recharging the ground water level, adequate sewage treatment and solar powered lights will also be a part of the project. The Webcity is thus not only an example of great innovation and technological development but also that of an Eco friendly residential setup.
Hence with the aim to keep the residents connected and help them socialize in the community where they are living by incorporating social networking elements blended with latest technologies, Mantri Webcity will revolutionize the way this world socializes, explores, enjoys and innovates. For more details about our other projects and review like Mantri Serenity Review, Mantri Espana Review and other project review details.